
Please complete the required fields and click the Submit button to initiate your new user registration request.
You will be notified of the acceptance of the request by email. An approval email will follow subsequently upon administrative review.
Once approved, you will be able to immediately use the site and take advantage of its benefits, including online routing and full system issuance.

For adding a new user: The company name, contact name, phone and email address must match what is stored in the company profile.
Note: * Indicates required field.

User Login

To acquire a user account, please enter a login name, your email address, your first name and your last name below. All fields are required.
Username must be at least 3 characters long. It must start with a letter. It can be a combination of letters, digits and special characters. Only special characters -.@_ are allowed.
It cannot start with GUEST with 6 consecutive digits. Username is not case sensitive.

Account Agreement

If you are a Hauler or Permit Service registering to get an account please read and acknowledge the following terms and conditions. Please check the box next to the acknowledgement statement if you agree with and will adhere to the following conditions in applying for an account. Instructions on how to fund the account will be emailed to the account email address. If you cannot or will not comply with the following statements, you will not be registered.


If you are a Permit services creating accounts on behalf of haulers: Accounts are created on behalf of the hauler so that the hauler is registered to obtain permits in the Maryland One system and is available to the Permit services. Permit Services must have an active account prior to registering a hauler. Please check the box for next to the acknowledgement statement if you agree with and will adhere to the above stated conditions in applying for an account.

Government Account

Check the checkbox if you are a Government User. Do not check this box unless you are a federal or state agency, or a municipality. Proof of such is required.

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